Why should I blog?

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Blogging has become one of the most cost effective forms of advertising for Realtors.

Why should you blog?

Blogging is an excellent way to let your clients, potential clients and collegues know more about you. It is a cost effective way to add some depth to your website by allowing readers to take a peek into your life.

The idea behind a blog is to create an honest, up to date picture of your life. It should not be an outlet for you to “spam” readers about your real estate business (obviously some of that is good) but more of a look at your day to day activities. Let them know who you really are.

I tell our Realtors all the time to not only start blogging, but to include details about their lives outside of their real estate business. Talk about day to day activities, family events, extra curculiar activities, hobbies and as well real estate.

If your a Realtor that is what I like to call at “Realtor Investor”, sharing some of your secrets about how you find your properties, what your looking for, experiences with renters, tax issues that you have come across, etc. The more honest and real information that you provide the better. There are a ton of people out there looking for real stories about real estate.

If you are active in your community, blog about it. The more the better. Keep in mind readers are looking for real life stories, true stories.

Besides all of the above… search engines love them.

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