Now you can Create Landing Pages Quickly and Easily

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As part of the SEO Enhancement available in the Ubertor website system there is a new feature under the marketing tab called “Landing Page”. Within this feature you can quickly and easily create landing pages for your website.

What is a Landing Page? – “In online marketing a landing page, sometimes known as a lead capture page, is the page that appears when a potential customer clicks on an advertisement or a search-engine result link. The page will usually display content that is a logical extension of the advertisement or link, and that is optimized to feature specific keywords or phrases for indexing by search engines.” (from

So if your using Google Adwords to promote your business you should not have the ad going to your home page. You should have it going to a landing page within your website that is specific and targeted.

Now within the Ubertor system you can create landing pages quickly and easily. The great thing is that you can test your landing pages effectively. As I have mentioned many times in the past, Google does NOT like duplicate content. And if your testing different landing pages that happen to have some of the same content as other pages, Google can punish you. Well, not if your using the Ubertor landing page system. It is built with special code so that the search engines do NOT index them. That way you can test the same text but different titles or different text but the same titles. Or everything is the same except the lead generation form has different fields. The idea is to test, test, test.

The idea is that your ad is generating some sort of conversion. Instead of just having your ad pointing to your home page, put it to work. Ensure that your advertising money is getting you leads.

Start by creating some landing pages that are specific and targeted to whoever is clicking on your ad. Here is an example of a landing page that Rob Macpherson created for landlords.

You will also notice that there is no banner photo and no navigation on this page. The idea is to ensure that the visitor follows the steps that you want them to follow.

Start now! Start creating landing pages for your ads!

If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

landing page

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