Email Etiquette

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Here are 5 things that drive me crazy when checking email:

1. Don’t write in ALL CAPS. It does not make it stand out, it makes it hard to read and people will skip it.
2. Don’t respond to an old email message with a new topic. Click on “compose” and start a fresh email.
3. Ensure that you have an email signature that has your phone number, email address and web address on it.
4. HTML Emails do not get through many email programs. (As I write this, I just got an HTML email into my Gmail and none of the images loaded.)
5. Subject lines are important. Make sure you take the time to write an accurate subject line.

What bothers you?

One answer

  1. Tyler Wood
    1/19/2008 at 2:56 pm

    It is nice to having a running reply/conversation log. Mail from AOL users typically does not have this. You have to go back and look at the email you sent them to see what specific questions or items they are referring to in their reply to you.

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