Category Realtor Websites - Ubertor Software 242 articles to read

Ubertor Training

Our Ubertor Training sessions are going very well. We have had quite an interest latly as the last 3 or 4 sessions have been a full house. Here are some…

Would you like to use our VoiceOver Listing System but can’t….

My business partner Mike forwarded me this link. It is a company that will convert a voicemail message to an MP3. If you want to add voiceovers to your listings…

Banner over Image

We have justed rolled out a new feature to our Ubertor engine that allows Realtors to log into their control panel and add a banner over the main listings picture.…

Text or just an Image

Many Realtor websites that I see are full of images. Not just images of homes or Realtor headshots but images of text. This is not a good thing for the…

Google Site Map and Google Maps

New Features of Ubertor using Google With the new version of Ubertor we have the ability to use Google Maps to their full capabilities. (here is an example of a…

Voice Over – Music over listing slide show

Brian Becker has used one of our newest features that I wanted to take a moment to point out. Within our new Ubertor engine, Realtors have the ability to add…

Google Moon

Combustion Ubertor was one of the first companies to include the Google Maps functionality into it’s new version of its software. To see an example of it, check out…

Blogs hit Paris

My business partner was just in Paris the other day… here is a photo that he took. “Internet – The explosion of Blogs”   If you are not blogging… you…