Where did the day go?

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Ever wonder where the day went? Do you have days where you realize that it is 5:00 and you feel like you have not accomplished anything?

Check out SlimTimer.com. We have been using it for quite some time with our whole team and find that it has significantly helped us track our time and make best use of each and every day.

Signup for an account. It is free and start using it to track your day. After a week or so, check out the reports section to see where your time is going. You might find that your loosing a lot of time to meetings, client phone calls, personal calls, web surfing, etc.

Plus, get your assistant to use it. It will really help you track his/her time and ensure that you are getting your moneys worth.

We use it to track manual tasks. This way we know what task is taking too much time and what tasks to automate. For example, updating a customer credit card used to be a manual task, it seemed to be taking lots of time for our client service team so we automated the process so that clients can update their credit card instantly within their Ubertor control panel. We only realized the actual time it was taking due to Slim Timer. Before we tracked it, it just seemed like a quick little task that took 2 minutes. It seems that 2 minutes ads up.

What part of your real estate can you automate? systematize? reduce? delegate?

slim timer

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