New Feature: Ubertor Photo System Updated

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We have updated the photo display system that showcases the photos within your listings. Take a moment to check it out. Now, if you load images that are big enough, or wide enough, the system will add the “ken burns” effect. Below are 2 examples of it in place. This is live now, system wide on all Ubertor websites. I hope you enjoy this new addition to the Ubertor system.

7 Answers

  1. Will
    8/22/2008 at 9:29 am

    Complete with music (at least with Kris Berg’s site). I kept waiting for some grainy photo gold prospectors, civil war vets, or baseball players to pop up… but they did not 🙁

  2. Stephen Jagger
    8/22/2008 at 9:33 am

    @ Will – Yes, you can add mp3’s to our system so that the sound plays over the photos.

  3. Jeremy Sutton
    9/16/2008 at 10:32 am

    The Ken Evans Effect is a great addition. The problem is that the edges of the photos are still cut off. I have been working with Bryan Garcia of your team to see how to deal with this and he’s been very diligent. The root problem is the image window being 500×500 instead of 640×480 (like all photos) this is rooted back to some of your templates having vertical margins that narrow the workable area.

    The latest solve is to resize the photo by adding white borders top and bottom. Now the photo will pan the full width of the image and the white borders appear as background.

    The real answer is to change the templates from an 800 width to a 1024 width thus allowing enough room to have the image viewed as 640×480 not 500×500. Or allowing horizontal menu templates to have wider photos.

    Check out my results at The whole photo is viewed in the panning but the image seems to float around the area a bit.

  4. Uber Bryan
    9/16/2008 at 1:11 pm

    Hi Jeremy,

    Thanks for your comments.

    Here’s a great example displaying Jeremy’s concerns:

    We’re aware that implementing a wider template will allow for a wider photo view. We have plans to implement a line of new wider templates along with other wide elements in them, such as the photo slideshow. Unfortunately, these things take time to do properly and will not be ready for a few months.

    We’ve also implemented the ability to shut off the Ken Burns effects for your photos. Simply click “Listings” and then “Options” and turn off the effect. Your slide show will return to the way it was before we implemented “Ken Burns”.

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