The Realtor “About Me” Page: How to Introduce Yourself on Your Website (Step 5b of 10 – How to create a Farm Area Website)

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You, friend, are on the right track if you are building yourself a farm-area website.

You’re setting yourself apart. Competing in a less-crowded space. It’s truly win-win.

The messaging and wording that you’re going to use on your niche website, though, has to be really specific to attract your target audience. You’re looking to make web searchers into prospects, then move the relationship forward again so they become clients.

If you want those website visitors to pick up the phone, fill out a form, or do anything that will move them towards doing business with you, you’ve got to get and hold their attention.

Best way to grab that attention?

Know your website visitors. And then speak directly to them.

That’s why a niche website is so brilliant. Your target market for that niche website is so narrow that it’s easier than ever to be able to visualize who you’re talking to, and phrase your website copy accordingly.

There has never been a better website on which to show off your unique personality than your farm-area website.

It’s time to break away from the old, dry-as-saltines Realtor Biography!

Your neighbourhood website bio should give visitors a different glimpse of you than you typically show off when you’re speaking to a wider audience.

Use your About Me page to establish that personal connection that wins over prospects, closes deals and earns you lifelong client-friends day in and day out.

First though, here are some good website copy writing style tips:

  • Be conversational, and lean towards writing the way you would speak.
  • Know that your writing doesn’t have to be formal (or boring!) to be professional.
  • Don’t be afraid to be funny and show personality. It’s easier to dial back the energy than to try to spruce up something dull.

Talk it out! If words get stuck between your head and your fingers, try talking before writing, and imagine that you’re speaking to a friend or client who knows you well.

When laying out the page, focus on the value you create for your clients.

Writing about yourself and the value you provide is easy when you follow this formula:

  • Get their Attention.
    Start your intro by speaking about your target client, their neighborhod, or the type of property that your niche site targets. What do they need or want?
  • Reassure them.
    Explain how you can help and provide the solution to their problem. Naturally their problem is likely about buying or selling… but it’s about buying or selling this kind of property, or homes in this specific location.
  • Introduce Yourself + Your Qualifications.
    Now that you’ve got their attention, tell them who you are, why they might have already seen you around town, and why you are an expert in [this neighbourhood or real estate product].
  • Let Them In. Have fun with this part!
    It’s time to sprinkle your bio with personality. People love to read about fun facts, favourite activities, travel destinations, foods, wines, beers you like… your favourite restaurant or bar in their ‘hood… Anything that shows that you’re a person (and a neighbour) as much as a service provider. People have relationships with people, so show them the kind of person you are.
  • Sneak Peek. Tell them what to expect when they work with you.
    What kind of service you provide [specifically to this niche]. What makes you stand out from other agents serving this area?
  • Their Turn. Don’t forget to ask them to reach out to you.
    Ask them to call, email, or fill out a form – whatever next step you want them to take. After all, that’s the purpose of your website: turning your website visitors into contacts into clients.

Realtors often say “I hate to talk about myself.”

If you need help coaxing your story onto the page, you could start with a large glass of wine and pen and paper (or keyboard and word processor).

Or you could fill in the blanks on the questions below:

  • Tell me about one of your favourite real estate deals in [neighbourhood].
  • What are the top three reasons you love selling your clients into this [area / type of property]?
  • What’s the best reaction you’ve seen from a client buying their first [property type]?
  • What’s the fastest you’ve ever sold a [property type / area] home, and what was that like? How did the seller react? And the buyer?
  • What (nice things) do you imagine (or know) your clients tell their friends about working with you?
  • What’s one thing that would surprise me to know is your favourite thing about your job?

Feel free to combine these two approaches. You’re even welcome to bring that wine into the revision process.

Sometimes I use the audio recorder on my smartphone when I’m feeling intimidated by an empty page. Then I listen to what I’ve recorded, and take notes, and piece some sentences together.

There’s no wrong way to get started! The goal with these questions is simply to get you talking, thinking outside the box, and telling stories.

Finally, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there’s no shame in outsourcing. Even just some insight from outside your business or your head is helpful enough to get the juices flowing! You can hire someone to write for you and infuse your voice into their content.

The people reading your niche website are not just people. They’re YOUR people.

Be yourself. Speak to your people. It’s as important as any other part of your marketing efforts.

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