Responsive Website In Real Estate

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The future of real estate marketing is mobile. Mobile Internet traffic has exceeded desktop Internet traffic. Mobile users have a higher probability to contact a real estate professional following their mobile search than desktop users because of mobile’s easy access to call and texts.

Given these facts, your real estate website must be equipped to accommodate mobile audience, responsive web design is necessary now more than ever.


A responsive design web design allows your website to automatically detect the browser size and screen resolution of your audience’s mobile device, and then adjust your website’s elements to make a version that is beautiful and readable.

Better User Experience

A website who has applied responsive web design provides a much better user experience for the visitor. This lowers the bounce rates because it is more likely that users will stick around for a longer period of time, digest your content, and explore different areas of your site.

Higher Conversion Rates

Responsive web design creates a consistent user experience across various mobile devices that is key to converting new customers. A secure website that looks professional on all platforms makes users feel confident about your brand and build that trust which will become the foundation for them to become your customers.

Search Engine Optimization

In 21 April 2015, Google Search has expanded its use of mobile-friendliness as one of its ranking signals. This means that responsive web design is important to search engine optimization that would result to higher search rankings for your website.

As the number of devices on the market continues to grow exponentially, the application of a responsive web design is necessary for your real estate website. A responsive website make sure that you’re ready to accommodate a much broader audience through mobile users. Responsive web design also ensures that you are somehow prepared for the next phase of online access such as virtual reality or augmented reality. Never miss out on an opportunity to expand your market reach.

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